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What is Virtualization and its Benefits In Simple Terms

What is Virtualization and its Benefits: if you are finding Virtualization and its Benefits then here i explained What is Virtualization and its Benefits In Simple Terms so keep reading

What is Virtualization?

Virtualization typically refers to the creation of virtual machine that can virtualize all of the hardware resources, including processors, memory, storage, and network connectivity . With the virtualization, physical hardware resources can be shared by one or more virtual machines. According to the requirements from Popek and Goldberg, there are three aspects to satisfy the virtualization. First, the virtualization should provide an equivalent environment to run a program compared to a native system. If the program shows a different behavior under the virtualization, it may not be eligible as a virtualized environment. The virtualization also needs to provide a secured control of virtualized resources. Having a full control of resources is important to protect data and resources on each virtual environment from any threats or performance interference in sharing physical resources. Virtualization often expects performance degradation due to the additional tasks for virtualization, but good performance should be achieved with a software or hardware support in handling privileged instructions. With these requirements, efficient virtualization is guaranteed. In the following section, different types of hypervisors are explained with the implementation level of virtualization. Virtualized resource is also presented in cpu, memory and I/O transactions.

Virtual machines provide: 

Hardware independence – Guest VM sees the same hardware regardless of the host hardware

IsolationVM’s operating system is isolated from the host operating system 

Encapsulation – Entire VM encapsulated into a single file

Benefits of Virtualization

• Simplified administration 
• Hardware independence/portability 
• Increased hardware utilization 
• Server consolidation
• Decreased provisioning times 
• Improved security
• Software Development 
• Testing / Quality Assurance 
• Product evaluations / demonstrations 
• Training 
• Disaster Recovery

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