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Virtualization Tips Every Administrator Should Know

if you are finding Virtualization Tips then here i explain Virtualization Tips Every Administrator Should Know. if you are a server admin then you should know these tips

Track the Virtual Machine Life Cycle

You need to keep track of your virtual machine from its starting point to its end point. The life cycle of a virtual machine provides the ability to use physical resources in an efficient and productive manner. The life cycle includes two parts:
  • Configuration: This is performed in a development environment, which allows for creation, testing and modification of the virtual machine.
  • Deployment: This is performed in the production environment.
As an administrator, you should handle both the configuration and deployment.

1. Avoid Virtualizing Everything

The server must process internal traffic from a large number of users, and you should make an appropriate plan for everything that is virtualized. Virtualization provides cost savings, lower use of resources and administrative capabilities. But some things are not suitable for a virtual environment. These include:
  • Anything that requires physical hardware
  • Anything that requires extreme performance
  • Applications or operating systems that don’t allow for virtualization due to license agreements
  • Applications or any resources that have not been tested
  • Virtual environments depending on host systems, images, authentication, network and storage
  • Physical environments that mainly depend on two points of failure: failure in itself and its host
  • Systems that may contain secure information that should not be accessible to others
In some cases, such as when old desktops need to be converted to a virtualized desktop infrastructure, it is easier and less time consuming to simply replace them with thin clients.

2. Monitor Virtual and Non-Virtual Traffic

You need to monitor all traffic, both virtual and non-virtual. Don’t think that the virtual hosts are safer and should not be considered for security. Monitoring of both virtual and non-virtual machines is very important in the matter of internal and external traffic of the virtual machine. After some time, you may need to give more resources to specific machines while other virtual machines will continue to stand alone.

3. Don't Expect Virtual Resources to Be Free

Virtual machines usually take less space on the server, but that doesn't mean these resources come without a cost. Virtualization clients needs to understand that there is price for a virtual machine, which is gained from a server being virtualized, which goes along with virtualization. Sometimes virtualization costs are so high that your company alone can’t pay the bill.

4. Virtual Machines Can Be a Temporary Service

Sometimes you need service temporarily. This service can be provided by virtual machines better than any other machines. With virtual machines, there is no need for an FTP server, temporary print server or web server for providing temporary service. As virtual machines are free of hardware resource costs, use of virtual machines has become quite easy. Therefore, virtual machines allow for the creation of specified machines for disposable tasks, and you can use them whenever you need them.

5. Virtual Machine Templates Make Deployment Easier

Virtual machines can create templates for easy deployment of these machines based on specific configurations or needs. They provide a set of virtual machine templates so that deployment can proceed as simply as possible. This can save time and effort by selling web servers, which often provide a specific service. Once you create the template for a virtual machine, then you can use it as often as necessary; there is no need to perform this task repeatedly. So both time and money can be saved.

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