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Top 5 Ways to Beat Belly Bloat

Top 5 Ways to Beat Belly Bloat: A bloated tummy can be painful, cause unwanted gas and make pants too tight — and no one likes that feeling.

Top 5 Ways to Beat Belly Bloat

1. Avoid carbonated beverages

“Especially those loaded with sugar or artificial sweeteners,” she says. “You’re basically drinking gas.”

2. Chew, chew, chew

“Your stomach does not have teeth. When you don’t chew your food until a paste, this makes it harder on your digestive system to break it down and absorb the nutrients. It also makes it harder for your stomach enzymes to get into every nook and cranny. When you chew quickly, you swallow more air and that leads to further bloating.”

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3. Spit out the gum

“You’re swallowing air and promoting the secretion of digestive enzymes and HCl in the gut but the problem is you’re not actually eating any food.”

4. Avoid sugar

“It feeds yeast and bad bacteria and promotes the fermentation of food in your gut, which leads to bloating.”

5. Feed the good bacteria

“Dysbiosis is a super common cause of bloating this is when the bad bacteria outnumber the good. Eat fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, kombucha, tempeh and natto.”

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